Learning how to swim is an essential life skill. No matter where one is located geographically, chances are that at some point, that person will wind up near or in water.

                Let it be on a boat, canoe, kayak or cruise ship, maybe near or in a lake, river, pool or ocean, exposure to large bodies of water is typically inevitable. Whether or not one is actually in the water is not of much significance as it is very much possible for accidental and unexpected submersion to occur. In the event of such a mishap, water safety and survival knowledge can be life saving. Aside from the obvious, there are many additional reasons to participate in swim lessons and other water activities.

                In Australia, a four year long study was conducted on children ages 3-5 with contributions from little ones in New Zealand and the United States. The study followed the progress of toddlers who participated in swim lessons and included interviews with these children. The subjects of this study were then compared to non-swimmers of the same age and the results were impressive. As it turns out, children who participate in swim lessons acquire advanced motor skills with up to two years of radical progression. Swim students also benefit in social aspects of life because they have exposure to children their age in a setting others do not get to experience. In addition to the fine tuning of important motor and social skills, the study shows that the swimming group also had an easier time picking up a second language.

                As if the test results were not reason enough to make the decision to enroll your child into swim lessons, many more benefits can be reaped by the participation in these classes. Attending swim lessons introduces a sense of goal orientation which is a skill that can be implemented into other areas of life. In a swim school setting, children strive to learn and master new skills while improving their swimming capabilities. By enrolling your child into swim lessons, you are essentially igniting their sense of ambition which is an incredible trait to have and embrace throughout life.

Swim Lessons

                The sensory deprivation effect of water submersion has many benefits. It is believed that swimming is more beneficial to healthy sleep than any other exercise, as in time it allows one to completely relax while enjoying the buoyancy of their floating body. At first this new sensation can be a bit alarming and mildly uncomfortable but once students overcome the feeling of having water in their ears, they enjoy being under water. Persons with special needs such as Down syndrome and autism often times find water submersion therapeutic and comfortable. The (almost always) immediate love for water allows students who are typically reserved and reluctant to communicate outside of the pool to relax a bit. This relaxation results in the child becoming more open and trusting of their instructors which aids in the exploration of social and motor skills.

                A deep love for being in water makes it easier for individuals to participate in swim lessons. However, that same love can be dangerous if one lacks the skills necessary to survive in water. By attending swim classes, children gain a better understanding of the dangers of drowning and learn to maintain a respectful relationship with water. Additionally, as students gain the ability to complete the instructed skills, they also gain a great sense of confidence in and out of the pool.

                 Whether one participates in swim lessons for just a year or for most of their life, they are less likely to suffer from traumatic experiences in water. Similar to riding a bike, one cannot forget how to swim. While strength and stamina are likely to decrease after prolonged periods without swimming, the essential life saving skills are still engraved into the brain and can be accessed in the case of an emergency. Swimming is an excellent exercise which can easily be picked up years down the line. While it is most beneficial to get started in swim lessons as early as possible, it is never too late to begin your journey into learning how to swim!